Friday, August 12, 2016

Easter crop-a-thon @ SFS Saturday entries...

So first up the colour challenge was aqua, black and white plus add a colour of your choice and my choice was yellow (which is quite popular atm)...on this LO I have used a charms creations page runner and handmade flower....from D-lish I have used washi tape, resin roses and 2 x flair buttons but I altered the chevron one from being white/aqua to aqua/black/yellow using a lil washi tape to cover the aqua up and alternate the other ink colours so it would suit my LO, I love it...

The quote challenge for today was to use the quote "the most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy, it's all that matters"...and I love this LO as I've wanted to do the sprays of colour for So long and I think it looks fantastic!!
TFL cheers Em ;)

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo its been a realllllllllllllllllllllllly long time since I blogged and it has taken me all afternoon to be able to sign back into my account lol....... Oh the joys.....

Anyhoo, hello there if anybody is reading this can you please leave me a comment...

I have decided that it is time that I got my MOJO back for scrappin'.....

I really hope to meet a few of my cyber friends at the next Flutterby Retreat being held at Lake Keepit, the Retreat is called "Create by the Lake".... Who else is going??  I'm very excited to be finally meeting Neet (Anita Rodway) as I just love her style of scrapping and I think she is A-mazing!!!  Lots of other talented ladies will be there too and I'm excited to be able to spend a few days with all of them too...;)

OMG.... I'm a little shocked with how long its been since I blogged on here, time really flies when you're having FUN!!  Hopefully my next post will be of a layout..

Love Em xo